Tag Archives: Provider

How Awesome is Our God


Who among the gods is like you O Lord? Who is like you–majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders

Exodus 15:11

This week has tested me in many ways, especially in the area of how much I am trusting and relying on God.  I found myself stressed out about paying for school this year, and overwhelmed by unexpected costs totaling close to 100 dollars that arose this week.  I felt anxious and tired and my mind was filled with scheming plans about how many hours I would need to work to pay for the rest of school and these added expenses.

In spite of these financial stresses each day was filled with challenging chapel messages about the definition of faith, the importance of setting our minds on Christ, and finally today a wonderful chapel by the senior class where the chaplain spoke about the importance of faith again.  During his message he quoted our campus pastor who has the belief of only using the word “awesome” when it pertains to God.

That struck me today. I thought about how very many other things that I have labeled “awesome.”  Let me tell you today that nothing is as deserving of this label as the Holy God.

Today, that reality hit me in full force.

I was stressed making sure a form got signed which would cost me 50 dollars if it wasn’t turned in today.  After countless hours of worry, the form was signed, turned in, and 50 dollars of the original unexpected 100 dollars that arose this week was eliminated.  I walked out of the office praising God, thrilled and relieved that a huge portion of money was taken care of.

As I left the office, I happened to look towards my mailbox.  I love checking my mail.  I usually check in the morning and after lunch.  I had already done that today and had no real reason to think anything was in there.  But an envelope caught my eye.  I walked over to the mailbox expecting a bill or a letter.

Inside was a envelope with my name and box number.  Inside the envelope was 300 dollars.

I was and still am in awe of our God.  Not only did He alleviate my major financial stress of the week when the form was turned in, He richly blessed me with finances that will cover a significant amount of what I have left to pay for school this year and eliminated an enormous amount of stress and tension.

You know, it is funny how much we can scheme and plan.  How much we think we are in control when God had it all figured out all along.

I cannot attribute this story to anything else but the AWESOMENESS of our God.

Who richly blessed me beyond what I could have ever imagined.

I hope this encourages you today that God is still doing miracles.  He is still very much alive and at work in this world.  He hasn’t forgotten you.  He isn’t leaving you to fend for yourself in this world.  He will provide.  He loves you with an everlasting love.

Our God is Awesome!!